Sunday, April 19, 2015

Cheer Up, Mr. Kim! | 힘내요 미스터 김 - Ep.15 (2015.04.20)

------------------------------------------------ - Ep.15: Jiyeong is upset that Taepyeong mistook her words. She tells Juhui how she feels but Myeonggwan overhears her. Juseong gets into a fight with Huirae at work and becomes angry. When Juseong is rude to Hogyeong, Taepyeong gets angry at him and says he’s behaving like a child. When Ugyeong sends Taepyeong a text telling him to leave after having lunch with Geonuk’s family, Juseong sees it and erases it. - For more info: ------------------------------------------------ Subscribe KBS World Official YouTube & Watch More Episodes of 'My Dear Cat': ------------------------------------------------ KBS World is a TV channel for international audiences provided by KBS, the flagship public service broadcaster in Korea. Enjoy Korea's latest and most popular K-Drama, K-Pop, K-Entertainment & K-Documentary with multilingual subtitles, by subscribing KBS World official YouTube. ------------------------------------------------ 대한민국 대표 해외채널 KBS World를 유튜브에서 만나세요. KBS World는 전세계 시청자에게 재미있고 유익한 한류 콘텐츠를 영어 자막과 함께 제공하는 No.1 한류 채널입니다. KBS World 유튜브 채널을 구독하고 최신 드라마, K-Pop, 예능, 다큐멘터리 정보를 받아보세요. ------------------------------------------------ [Visit KBS World Official Pages] Homepage: Facebook: Twitter: Google+: KakaoTalk: @kbs_world ( Instagram: @kbsworldtv Tumblr:

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Cheer Up, Mr. Kim! | 힘내요 미스터 김 - Ep.15 (2015.04.20)